Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's too late....

Have you ever waited for something for so long time and once it happened
You felt that it is of no use at this time?... Have you ever took a deep sigh and whispered to yourself..It's too late?

Yesterday at work I was waiting for something ….I waited so long but at specific moment I lost my patience, I felt that what I was waiting for will never happen…I asked the office boy for a cup of coffee ..I held my pencil and said let's move to another plan .After crossing the hard way of suffering this life learns you how to be flexible ..You learn that your goals, tasks and priorities are liable to be changed all the time. You may feel a little sadness but you have no choice. You have to finish the track the British says Do it by the hook or by the rock ..Just do it.

Two hours later what I was waiting for just happened …and it really exceeded my expectations …all of you will think that I had felt happy but In fact I hadn't …I just took a deep sigh and whispered Its too late… I always believe that things lose their value when they came so late.
I asked.. .."Why?".... More than million time?…..No answer but "It is the life"…

I believe now that LIFE IS NOT PERFECT…Things never go as it meant to be ....sometimes life seems to be a perfect combination of pain and self torture.
Have you ever think about life, both the word and its meaning ?…I used to write the word "LIFE" on a paper and look deeply to the letters… is it just the combination of the four letters L..I..F..E?!... Wish it would be that simple but it's not The word "Life" also seems to be short word if it is to be compared to the average length of the English words .So, life is too short …Time fleets away very quickly ..Happy moments can't be seized…Sadness always finds its way to your heart, especially in those long dark nights filled up with solitude flavor…When your simple dreams seems to be impossible and the sun of morrow lost her way in the vast galaxy and will never came. When you feel that you are trapped in cage that will never open and your breath can only be taken through a scream.

Oh GOD, have we done anything wrong, or didn’t understand the message?
Oh GOD, we need your mercy, how come we are left all alone and are supposed to survive the dark side?

Thought it is so short, life had never proven to stick to single phase, happiness turned to be sadness and sadness someway turned to be happiness, but my eternal question is, Shall happiness come in the right time? Or shall it be always soooo late?


كلمات said...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
"وإنها لكبيرة إلا على الصابرين"
صدق الله العظيم
للأسف يا زين قد لا نجد إجابةلسؤالك.. سؤالنا جميعًا.. ولكن الصبر سيبقى حلاً لابد منه في تلك الدنيا التي -كما قلت- تتناوب فيها الأفراح والأتراح
ومادام أن ما انتظرته قد جاء، فالأمل قائم إذن أن يجدي الصبر.. حتى لو تأخر الرضا
And remember, it's never too late.


Anonymous said...

I read it when it was first published... but i had now answer..

i came again..and was still speechless

and here i am..reading even Mon's words..and..what else but Patience indeed

try to enjoy whatever that you think has come too late...there is some message in that..i'm sure..what is it..we may dunno! but there is something..may be some self-training of anticipation and patience? could be...

just don't lose the moment of enjoying it still..! you've earned it somehow :)

and again Too Late :)

MarwaAshraf said...

في مرة قرأت مثل يقول

late better than never

وفي أغنية سمعتهم يقولون

حبيتها ولا محابتهاش هي الدنيا ولازم تتعاش

وفي رواية قرأت

لكل شيء في هذه الدنيا علامه قد لا يفهما الإنسان أبدا وقد يفهمها بعد حين

فأختر من الأقوال ما شئت ولكن دعك من الحزن أو الندم

i missed ur blog so much but late is better than never

Anonymous said...

اصلا لو بنفكر بالطريقه دي ف الحياه هنتعب لأن لحظات السعاده بتخلص بتكون ذكري ماضي بتتمني لو ترجع ممكن تفتكرها بس مش هتقدر ترجع الاحساس بيها بل بالعكس هتحس بندم او ان العمر عدي بسرعه وانك كبرت حتي الحجات السعيده اللي بننتظرها لو فكرت انها هتعدي برضه زي اخواتها مش هتستناها لانها هتخلي بيك وتسيبك واحنا عايزين سعاده دائمه ودا مستحيل وبكدا هنكون فقدنا الماضي والمستقبل وطبعا الحاضر لاننا قيه بنفكر يا اما ف الماضي يا اما ف المستقبل والاتنين هيبئوا بالشكل دا الم انا رأيي تعيشهاكدا لان تفكيرنا هيكون محدود مهما بلغ فالاخر هتقول سبحاااااااان الله وكدا كدا سايبنها وماشيين
محدش هيعرف يجاوبك علي سؤالك لأنها حكمه ربنا بس والسعاده الحقيقيه والدائمه مش ف الحياه الدنيا هناك ف الجنه

Beautiful Mind said...

ونعم بالله بس ممكن تراجعى الآيه تانى
وليس لنا الا مفتاح الفرج..أعنى الصبر
انه الخصلة الوحيده التى تحتاج الى تجديد دائم... صباحا ومساء
نعم قد جاء لكنى قد قررت سلفا الا افرح به
واما الرضا فهو حاضر من قبل هذا او ذاك فنحن لا نختبر الله عز وجل..

Beautiful Mind said...

I'll qoute from ur comment
"just don't lose the moment of enjoying it still..! you've earned it somehow :)
Thank u for that word ..don't lose amoment..i have realized it today..and i promise you ya doctor i will try..

Beautiful Mind said...

لكل شيء في هذه الدنيا علامه قد لا يفهما الإنسان أبدا وقد يفهمها بعد حين

صدقينى انى فى أمس الحاجه الى أن افهم..ربما سأفهم يوما ما..فالحمد لله اذن على ما أخذ والحمد لله على ما أعطى
حمدالله على سلامتك
وتنورى البلوج فى اى وقت

يا هلا
شكرا على الكلام ..لكن اكيد ان لينا حق فى اننا نفهم اللى بيحصل ...نحلله على الاقل لأسباب تقدر عقولنا البسيطه تدركها....وبعدين فعلا دايما السعاده بتكون لحظه عدت فى الماضى ...ولما تيجى سيرة المستقبل يبقى خوف...او حتى عدم اطمئنان...
مش عارف ليه بس حتى فى اسعد اللحظات اللى بتخيلها فى المستقبل .لحظات جميله اهه بس برضو هبقى خايف ..دا لأن مفيش ضمانات وكل شىء له وشين ..
عارف ان جدالنا مش هينتهى

كلمات said...

عفوًا الآية الصحيحة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"واستعينوا بالصبر والصلاة، وإنها لكبيرة إلا على الخاشعين"

صدق الله العظيم