رسائل الأحزان رسائلٌ كتبتها..رسائل كُتِبَت إلىّ..رسائل سأكتبها..رسائل آن لها أن ترى النور..رسائل شكلت حياة..وما الحياة إلا "رسالة"..."رسالة يجب أن نؤديهاعلى أكمل وجه"..لأننا سنُسأل عنهاولابد لنا من إجابه..رسائلى غير موجهة لأحد..إنها لى . ..لى أنا فقط..رسائلى باسمة أحياننا وأحيانناأخرى حزينة..سُميَت رسائل الأحزان..ليس لأنهامن الحزن جائت..ولكن لأنها إلى الحزن إنتهت..
شاى الحبايب"صارله مده"
ما شربته من إيدك الحلوة
وإفتح الباب إحنا العزيزين
الأحباب ما نستغنى عنهم
هذا الزمن غير كثيرين
ياخوفى انتا تكون منهم
كاظم الساهر
Have you ever waited for something for so long time and once it happened
You felt that it is of no use at this time?... Have you ever took a deep sigh and whispered to yourself..It's too late?
Yesterday at work I was waiting for something ….I waited so long but at specific moment I lost my patience, I felt that what I was waiting for will never happen…I asked the office boy for a cup of coffee ..I held my pencil and said let's move to another plan .After crossing the hard way of suffering this life learns you how to be flexible ..You learn that your goals, tasks and priorities are liable to be changed all the time. You may feel a little sadness but you have no choice. You have to finish the track ..as the British says Do it by the hook or by the rock ..Just do it.
Two hours later what I was waiting for just happened …and it really exceeded my expectations …all of you will think that I had felt happy but In fact I hadn't …I just took a deep sigh and whispered Its too late… I always believe that things lose their value when they came so late.
I asked.. .."Why?".... More than million time?…..No answer but "It is the life"…
I believe now that LIFE IS NOT PERFECT…Things never go as it meant to be ....sometimes life seems to be a perfect combination of pain and self torture.
Have you ever think about life, both the word and its meaning ?…I used to write the word "LIFE" on a paper and look deeply to the letters… is it just the combination of the four letters L..I..F..E?!... Wish it would be that simple but it's not The word "Life" also seems to be short word if it is to be compared to the average length of the English words .So, life is too short …Time fleets away very quickly ..Happy moments can't be seized…Sadness always finds its way to your heart, especially in those long dark nights filled up with solitude flavor…When your simple dreams seems to be impossible and the sun of morrow lost her way in the vast galaxy and will never came. When you feel that you are trapped in cage that will never open and your breath can only be taken through a scream.
Oh GOD, have we done anything wrong, or didn’t understand the message?
Oh GOD, we need your mercy, how come we are left all alone and are supposed to survive the dark side?
Thought it is so short, life had never proven to stick to single phase, happiness turned to be sadness and sadness someway turned to be happiness, but my eternal question is, Shall happiness come in the right time? Or shall it be always soooo late?